Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ping.FM - A great way to update social networks!

I have to admit. Keeping up to date on my blogs and social networking sites has been a bit overwhelming at times. That's why I started looking for a tool that would allow me to better manage my time, by posting once to all of them.

My search turned up several solutions like, and but none of them did exactly what I was looking for. I was about to give up, when I came across and I have to say this is the closest thing to perfect as I can imagine.

Imagine, being able to post messages to all of your blogs and social networks with one click. Now, imagine being able to update your moods/statuses with one click as well (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn). This is what Ping.FM offers...but it's only the beginning.

With Ping.FM I can even create customized groups of social sites that I can post to using special tags that I assign. This way, I can update my facebook and myspace blogs without updating my professional accounts on LinkedIn or my company blog.

It's a fantastic service that promises to provide quicker access to my many points of contact with friends, regardless of where they check for updates from me.

Pictures and video can also be included in your messages/blog posts, but they didn't stop there. Ping.FM takes things a step further by allowing you to post to all of your sites/blogs via txt message if you would like. Blogging on the go!

Oh yeah, did I mention its FREE! I for one am pretty excited about this tool. A must have for multi-blog, multi-profile people who are losing their minds.
I just joined the movement. I'm updating my blog, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter posts all from one place! Suh-weet!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Blog No-one Wrote Releases Video Link in Self Defense...

If the inner workings of the cell presented in this video can happen by chance (via the natural process of evolution) so can this blog.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Skeptics Cry Foul - Is This Blog a Hoax?

Lately, I am sad to say, there have been skeptics who have suggested that this blog has not, as it claims, created itself from nothing. They say the posts that are being added to this blog on a fairly regular basis were created by someone. They say:

“Everything we know from our uniform and repeated experience is that information always comes from an intelligent source. So when we find posts appearing on this blog in the form of logical sentences, the simplest explanation is that this blog has an intelligent source...either some sort of artificial intelligence computer or more probably a human.”
Professor of Microbiology at a Renowned University in Chicago

Skeptics of this blog have concluded "scientifically" that there is no chance that these words just appeared out of nowhere and found their way onto the Internet. They point to the perfect order of the words and their ability to form coherent sentences (in English - no less). According to skeptics - this is not possible by mere chance .

Let me assure you, this could not be further from the truth.

As I have pointed out before, this blog did not happen overnight. Given the proper amount of time and an insane amount of luck, a blog that is self writing was bound to occur eventually.

Why, a self-evolved blog is nothing in comparison to the evolution of the cells in your body.

Considering that the inner workings of the cell are a fantastic assembly of intricately intertwined biological machinery which is vastly more complicated than anything humans have engineered it is only logical to conclude that a self generated blog is possible as well. After all, modern genetics has shown us that a single human cell contains as much digital information in its DNA as the Encyclopedia Britannica—all thirty volumes—three or four times over. Just one microscopic cell! And the cell contains not just information, but also highly sophisticated processes that convert that information into biological parts, such as proteins.

What is the source of that information encoded in your DNA?

Pure chance and random accidents...just like this blog.

So consider yourself lucky to be reading this blog - and thank lucky stars that your cells created themseles too. Time can work magic.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Extraordinary findings in the Evolutionary Process

As you may have noticed, this blog (which has written itself) has adapted a very curious trait. The title of the blog Nobody Made This Blog seems to have a peculiar attribute that one might not expect to see in a blog that was created by pure random chance.

Experts have begun to point out that there is a tell-tale "TM" embedded in the title. A fact that leads me to believe that there is a possibility that not only has the blog made itself, but perhaps it may have even filed for a federal trademark to protect itself from predators. It is a very exciting development to say the least.

This begs the question. Why then, does the blog need to protect itself? Who are its natural enemies? Is it trying to actually brand itself from copycats? What good is a brand to a blog that is self creating?

One can only speculate at this point, but I am certain that we have not seen the end of the adaptations this blog is capable of. We truly live in exciting times.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Emergence of a Blog That No-One Wrote?

It's true - nobody wrote this blog. It just happened. Through the wonders of the evolutionary process, this blog wrote itself.

Professors and scientists around the globe are shocked and amazed. It's existance is extraordinary and undeniable proof that the evolutionary process does in fact happen and is happening even now. After all, how is it possible that a blog could appear on its own outside of evolution? It seems absurd, I know, but I swear to you this is exactly what has happened here. Nobody wrote this blog.

Astounding, you say? Yes, it is astounding and it is something we should all celebrate. A milestone in human history, to be sure.

Granted, something as complex as this blog couldn't have happened overnight. Most likely, this blog has been evolving for many years improving itself on its own without any outside help. But today (oh, most glorious of days) after eons and eons of "becoming" it has emerged at last as a full and complete blog with all of the essential elements of blogness.

The purpose of this evolved blog is as of yet unknown. But stay tuned...for it certainly will be followed by other posts in kind. After all, one blog entry alone does not a community make. More must emerge very soon in order to sustain the life and existance of this blog.

Come back soon...something exciting is about to happen.