Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Extraordinary findings in the Evolutionary Process

As you may have noticed, this blog (which has written itself) has adapted a very curious trait. The title of the blog Nobody Made This Blog seems to have a peculiar attribute that one might not expect to see in a blog that was created by pure random chance.

Experts have begun to point out that there is a tell-tale "TM" embedded in the title. A fact that leads me to believe that there is a possibility that not only has the blog made itself, but perhaps it may have even filed for a federal trademark to protect itself from predators. It is a very exciting development to say the least.

This begs the question. Why then, does the blog need to protect itself? Who are its natural enemies? Is it trying to actually brand itself from copycats? What good is a brand to a blog that is self creating?

One can only speculate at this point, but I am certain that we have not seen the end of the adaptations this blog is capable of. We truly live in exciting times.

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