Monday, April 21, 2008

The Emergence of a Blog That No-One Wrote?

It's true - nobody wrote this blog. It just happened. Through the wonders of the evolutionary process, this blog wrote itself.

Professors and scientists around the globe are shocked and amazed. It's existance is extraordinary and undeniable proof that the evolutionary process does in fact happen and is happening even now. After all, how is it possible that a blog could appear on its own outside of evolution? It seems absurd, I know, but I swear to you this is exactly what has happened here. Nobody wrote this blog.

Astounding, you say? Yes, it is astounding and it is something we should all celebrate. A milestone in human history, to be sure.

Granted, something as complex as this blog couldn't have happened overnight. Most likely, this blog has been evolving for many years improving itself on its own without any outside help. But today (oh, most glorious of days) after eons and eons of "becoming" it has emerged at last as a full and complete blog with all of the essential elements of blogness.

The purpose of this evolved blog is as of yet unknown. But stay tuned...for it certainly will be followed by other posts in kind. After all, one blog entry alone does not a community make. More must emerge very soon in order to sustain the life and existance of this blog.

Come back soon...something exciting is about to happen.

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